To go on with the story....
On Sunday, the 10th DH and I drove to Cleveland arriving in late morning. We knew we wouldn't be able to get into the hotel that early, and neither of my sisters were arriving that early. We decided to take advantage of the opportunity to go to the Cleveland Art Museum and see the exhibit of illuminated manuscripts.

DH and I were both interested in the geometric sculpture outside the museum.
My sisters and their husbands called us as they arrived in town. It turns out that the museum is walking distance from the hotel. They parked at the hotel and met us at the museum where we had lunch.

Clockwise from front left: my sister Linda, me, my sister Marie, Marie's husband Richard, and Linda's husband Joe. My DH was taking the picture.
We wandered over to the hotel, the Glidden House. It was lovely, in a historical building. We got into our rooms around 2 so we were able to unload our luggage. Then it was time to head over to the church for the recital.

We got to see Laura and her husband John before the recital, but they were both too busy to take much time to talk. I enjoyed the music, but am not knowledgeable about organ music. Apparently something technical went wrong with the organ, but I couldn't tell the difference. Unfortunately, I didn't get any pictures of Laura that she would want me to post. Too bad, because she's lost some weight and has been exercising-she looks great. After the recital there was a reception, so we got to meet some of Laura's professors, classmates and friends. After everything was over, and cleaned up the group of us went out for dinner, then back to the hotel where we talked until late. I hadn't seen any of the others since last summer so it was wonderful to catch up.
The next morning we all met for breakfast at the hotel. My DH and I had to be on the road by 8 because I had a test in my college course at 5:30 that afternoon. I studied all day as DH drove and we went straight to campus arriving around 4:30. Cutting it close weren't we? Studying all day in the car worked well, I did very well on the test!
It was a hectic and tiring few days, but I'm so glad we went. Since then my in-laws have moved into assisted living. My MIL isn't doing great, but it could be a lot worse. An older friend told me that getting old isn't for sissies and I guess she's right.